About Us & Blogs
It all started a long time ago, I had my model railway layout and went online to learn and find out more about the hobby. I met people on social media, many of who were Facebook users or YouTube creators. I became such a person myself and continued meeting people and enjoying the hobby. I have always had a keen interest in printing as a whole. I had worked in environments for printers and had a few friends who were printers. After one printer asked me for help with a new machine he had bought I realised I had a possibility of doing things to help my hobby, not by getting him to do printing for me but for me to do it for myself. What was normally reserved for businesses ws now becoming available for the serious hobbyist. I traded with my printer friend and ended up with a wide format printer, it was large by domestic standards but small by most businesses. I could now print a back scene for my layout. Not in small sections and patched together like you get commercially but in one single piece. I could in theory print a scene two feet tall and forty feet long. This is the maximum that the printer could handle according to the drivers and software. However, restraints of image size and memory would have a part to play. I have had success with 12 inch high and thirty feet long scenes and have sold quite a few. The selling of them was a poly to provide the funding for my hobby, a little side line to help. This proved to be the start of what is going on today. I began introducing sublimation printing which included Mugs, Coasters, Key rings, Mouse mats, Glass clocks, slates and so much more. T shirts and hoodies were added to the long list of items. I used my Cricut sutter machine to cut out vinyl for heat pressing onto clothing etc, I became facinated with what I could do and it started to take over my life.
A meeting with a good friend led me to seeing the birth of what is now a fantastic product and a great business. While I was whitness in the very begining I could not help in any way bring this idea to fruition. Another friend joined him and produced a product what is today such a fantastic part of todays model railways. The second friend got me involved in 3D printing, learned me a lot and helped me get where I am today and technically one of their competitors.
I used the name Jumble Lane Printing as the business name as my model railway layout and Youtube channel was called Jumble Lane. I did sell items under this name but as COVID hit I had a lot of stock and no shows to sell it. I did not have an online presence at the time so it was time for a change. After one method did not work out I decided to re-brand and start selling online. Lets face it you go to ADSA and their clothing range is George! YOu come to Jumble Lane and buy Scenic3D.
Scenic 3D is part of Jumble Lane Printing, initially set up to provide online sales of our 3D printed products. There will be some of the existing JLP items in this shop as they compliment our range and gives you a one stop shop. I can still produce items other than the 3D printed products that you will find in this store and as time goes on I will increase the products as demand requires.
I hope you find what you are looking for but if not just mail me and ask.
This is where you can show off your modelling expertise. You can simply email me photos of your photos that you have taken of the products you have purchased and added to your layout or diorama, let me know what information you want me to add along with the pictures and they will be displayed in this page.

John Wright
This Platform cabinet was bought by customer John Wright along with a few other items from our stall at the Model Rail Crewe show recently.
John kindly submitted these photos and agreed to us displaying here.
I think you will agree that John did a fibne job in painting these and displayoing them on his layout.
Product Info.
Lineside Control Cabinet Platforms.
Available in single steps with the steps going up to the right or up to the left. Also a double version with steps front and back , being longer with more cabinets.
Product is available in OO, TT and N gauges.

Titfield Thunderbolt Bell, bespoke part for Richard Swiderski
I was asked by Richard to produce something for his Rapido Titfiled Thunderbolt Model. True to my self I thought one of those big bells like on the front of the American steam engines should not be a problem! Richard sent me a couple of photos, one of which shown here

What I came up with....
This is what I came up with, I made a few samples thinking that being so tiny it would not print the fine detail and the strings holding up the bell, but to my surprise they printed just fine. I ten tried painting one and removing from the fine supports, this would show if it would survive removal. In this case it did but it was a tedious jiob. By the way, the ruler marks are millimeters!

Even i am taken by surprise
Richards model finished
So here is Richards fine handywork fitting the bell into the Brake Van, just like the real thing. I have to truly admit that this looks far better than I envisaged. Thanks to Richards input this item far exceeds my expectations and shows what can be acheived with a bit of effort.
Top photo is a film clip and is the copyright of the film maker, Bottom photo includes the Brake Van from Rapido's Titfield Thunderbolt model.
If you wish to have bespoke items made please contact us from our contact page.